Employment & Education
Our Employment and Education Service helps its participants to gain skills that will help them gain employment and fit into their community more easily. This includes literacy and numeracy classes and our Youth Guarantee programme.
Literacy and Numeracy (ILN)
ILN is about providing course participants with competency and confidence in reading, writing and spoken language and numeracy to the point where they are able to gain employment.
For a number of months during the year, issues surrounding Covid meant classes had to be run online. This worked well with students being sent work packs and tuning into Evelyn online each day as they continued to engage in the course and achieve goals.
New Zealand Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education (NZCALNE)
NZCALNE trains its participants to teach literacy and numeracy to others with
the emphasis being on training participants to upskill their fellow employees within their place of work.
The impact of Covid had a direct effect on enrolment numbers for NZCALNE,
often because the workplaces participants were teaching in were closed due
to lockdown. This meant that, although we began the year with 42 enrolments,
it had dropped to 27 by the end of the year. These students continued to focus
on their study, however, and completed the course.
Youth Guarantee
Youth Guarantee felt the challenges of Covid lockdown more than most programmes. It’s difficult to teach students practical skills (retail and
hospitality) remotely and the tough decision was eventually made to put the programmes on hold as we investigate their future delivery.

Our response to employment and education needs
Tā mātou whakautu ki te kimi mahi me te mātauranga


Students enrolled in literacy and numeracy and Youth Guarantee programmes.
Rahilah’s Story
Rahilah was ten years old when her family emigrated to New Zealand as refugees from Afghanistan. She grew up with the dream of becoming a nurse only to be told, when she completed her schooling and applied to AUT that her English was not good enough. That’s when she reached out to Visionwest for help.