Wellbeing Centre
Being able to provide counselling sessions online during Covid was incredibly satisfying and has led to a new way of working with online video sessions now being an accepted part of The Wellbeing Centre’s everyday operation.
While many clients opted for online sessions over Covid, others preferred face-to-face counselling and chose to wait until restrictions lifted. As a result, we are now facing the challenge of a significant increase in workload as we need to balance the returning face-to-face clients with those who prefer the convenience (and petrol saving) of online sessions.
We will be adding two counsellors to our team in the coming weeks – one to replace Olivia who has left us and one to help us cope with the significantly increased workload.
Participant numbers have grown in the Kotuitui “children in schools” programme also. Our four counsellor interns working in the programme have delivered many online sessions which appeal to some younger clients. Responses from parents and teachers have been overwhelmingly positive.
Our response to emotional and mental health needs
Tā mātou whakautu ki te āhuatanga o te taha hinengaro
Sessions Supporting Clients
Sessions In Local Schools
While confidentiality prevents us sharing client stories, some did agree to us sharing their comments about their positive experiences at the Visionwest Wellbeing Centre and the Kotuitui Counselling in Schools Programme.